
Showing posts from January, 2024

Wagner small portable spray shelter that can keep paint from getting all over the house and yard and save you money doing projects yourself at Walmart for $28.97

Tired of getting paint splatter all over the house and yard painting something and can't get it  cleaned up and yard looks all messed up They created this product to keep paint from spraying everywhere it's called Wagner paint shelter small enough to paint items like statue's , furniture,car parts,wood toys ,metal shelves, clothing, and more all you have to do is unfold it add a fan for air circulation and start painting the product you added in it especially if you own a business in your house you can site in the garage or in the driveway and do what you have to do 

take the seat off to really clean the toilet don't just wipe around it off because a lot be hiding in the back of it that'll still make it smell

Some people just wipe around the toilet thinking it's fully clean but it's not especially when multiple people use it everyday when you don't clean it it could end up getting nasty giving you a rash affecting your skin especially if you have sensitive skin breaking out all over from not keeping it sanitized stores and restaurants have to keep theirs cleaned everyday especially when customers have to use it so the same way you do it in your home unscrew the toilet seat get all in the back by using a spray bottle and cleaning product you're going to use get a rag to wipe it all down make sure you wipe the back of the toilet down before you screw on the seat

Strongest rake I use to get them leaves up only $19.98 at Lowe's you gotta big yard with big trees that dropping so many leaves this rake is for you

This rake right here I bought is called project source it's 26 inches it has soft protection around the stick so you won't hurt your hands but it's still good to wear gloves as protection because the soft covering doesn't last long especially using it almost every day it can grip so many leaves at once making Big piles faster than a normal size rake it can reach far it depends on how your yard is setup I have raked you over 1 million leaves probably more bagged them up so trash people can deal with them you never want to put out multiple bags always keep it small amount

Always keep shopping bags as trash bags to keep your vehicle clean especially traveling to another state

Instead of buying bags to use in The car just save shopping bags from Walmart target dollar stores, any other stores you got to they come in handy holding food you order from restaurants especially eating in The car you can grab a bag put all The empty food boxes and water bottles to keep vehicles clean especially when traveling with kids all the food be on the seats you can have them put it in a Walmart bags have them remove it out the car without the food getting in The floor causing you to vacuuming it up or going to car cleaning place

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